Aug 11, 2016

Exciting Fall Trips and I have a lot of dried E6000 on my fingers...

I am really looking forward to next month - FALL! I will be heading home to Texas to drop Chewie off at my parents then fly north to headline the 4th Annual Edmonton Burlesque Festival, then back to Texas to be a part of Viva Dallas Burlesque show. I'll be rounding out September at home in the 14th Annual (!) New York Burlesque Festival! I'll be performing in the Saturday Night Spectacular, and tickets ARE on sale now. I am also excited to go to Montreal to headline Scarlett James' Montreal Burlesque Festival in October. What all this means.... I need to make a lot more feather earrings to vend at all three festivals. I have been running low on stock but I finally found the right lurex thread weight to interweave into the ostrich feathers for extra added sparkle and depth.

To see what's available in my SHOP now, click here
Here is a photo of what my craft "corner" is starting to look like in preparation of the fall... agh!!

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